USS William H. Standley (DLG/CG-32)

From Various Sources
WHS Christening - Bath, Maine - 5 December 1964
WHS Launching & Sponsor - Bath, Maine - 19 December 1964
WHS Patch and Call Sign
List of Plank Owners
List of WHS Commanding Officers
Belknap Class Cruiser Description
WHS history '67-'79 - has inaccuracies (Updated 07/19/98)
WHS history (short)
Cruiser-Destroyerman Article - April 1971
WHS Familygram of 3 April 1971
WHS Familygram of 14 August 1971
ADM. W. H. Standley . . . a zest for action - from San Diego Union, 18 January 1976
Plan of the Day (POD) for 13 February 1977
WHS Family Gram of 15 April 1989
A Collection of WHS Patches
Program from Decommissioning Ceremony - 11 February 1994 (Large - Please Have Patience!)
List of Decommissioning Crew
WHS in mothballs - 1998
Link to US Navy Official Status for WHS